Don't allow anybody make you feel you aren't good enough.

Don't let anybody make you feel less of a person

One special thing you should know is that you are better than you think. You can't please everyone at the same time.!!

What makes you different from everyone else is your uniqueness. So if anyone is trying to make you feel you aren't good enough for them, just walk away because there's someone special out there who sees you differently.

People will always say bad things about you to make you feel bad just because they can't be like you. Don't allow anybody make you feel you aren't good enough.

Stay away from those type people who don't appreciate you for anything little things you do to make improvements. The only thing they are good at is complaining and nagging. They will end up making you loose focus and thereby killing the goodness in you.

If you deserve it you will receive it free of charge. Any relationship or friendship where you constantly have to beg for attention should be in your waste bin.

Begging for attention means you aren't important and the more you keep begging to be given attention the more desperate you look.

They don't deserve your tears nor sleepless nights, you deserve someone better. Someone who makes you their priority. 

You have to be strong for yourself, how you use to be before you met them, you might have your doubts wether you can do it alone. Dedicate your time doing what makes you happy.

Your life should be like the game of Chess ' always protect your queen'. Your queen might be your dignity, your heart, your reputation. 

If you allow people make you feel lonely that's when you actually become lonely. You can be happy without considering the opinions of others.

If you always expect good reviews about your life from people before you become happy, trust me they will make sure you don't get it.

There are so many ways you can make yourself happy. Remember there was a time when you never met those people and you were happy. So, Don't allow anybody make you feel you aren't good enough.

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